I hope you enjoyed our Week 6 interview with Andrea. A creative power e-pack of all 12 inspiring interviews plus over 122 pages of accompanying transcripts and bonuses are now available at Your Creative Spark.
Andrea Scher is an artist, mom and life coach living in Berkeley, California. Through her company Superhero Designs and blog Superhero Journal, she aims to inspire other creative souls to live authentic, colorful and extraordinary lives.
Fantastic interview! Such a good chew on this sticky magnetic topic! Oooh I just love it.
Inspiring! Thank you Andrea and Jamie!
Can't wait for the book...:)
I so needed to hear this interview today. I loved that she said don't wait for the creativity to be there just show up and see what creativity is there. Thanks so much Andrea and Jamie
Thanks, you two. That was very sweet. I now have a new image for how I can be creative - in short bursts - which really feels manageable.
Great interview! Thanks for sharing your tips, Andrea. And YES, can't wait for that book ;)!
Thanks again Jamie for creating this community.
A wonderful interview. I especially like the idea of when you get scared or overwhelmed. To go back and connect with the real reason you are doing this. Gave me something to think about.
LOVE this interview; it really resonated with me. I especially love all the techniques for dealing with those nasty gremlins. Thanks so much for reminding me that when I look at someone else's finished product, I don't see what they went through to get there! That's a big issue for me -- comparing myself and my work to others. I've almost stopped blog hopping because of it. Now I can start again! Thank you!
And I can't wait to read that book!
Great interview!! I really enjoyed it. Thank you, Andrea and Jamie for the inspiration!
I think the gremlins have been running the show for the last couple of weeks over here, but I'm beginning to get my strength back. Thanks Andrea and Jamie.
One thing that particularly hit me was when Andrea talked about feeling like other people have that perfect creative process and you are just not good enough. I know I feel that way. the funny thing is, I am consciously trying to demystify the creative process on my blog... but you know, I still get comments about how people could never do what I do, they're still only seeing the end product for some reason. Hmm. The other end of that spectrum is when people are concerned for my self confidence because I am willing to expose my gremlins.
Well. I guess I just have to keep trucking. Sometimes those gremlins are very hard to see past.
Am I missing something? I can't find the interview link...
Where is the link to the interview for Andrea? Thanks!
Hi Matirose,
All interviews are posted for one week. You can check out this week's interview by looking on the sidebar where it says "Current." Enjoy!
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