And I want to acknowledge those of you who have been feeling alone. Thank you for showing up and being here even when it's been tough. Thank you for your vulnerability and your courage. Know that whether you have 50 people visit your blog or 5 or none, you are not alone. Your energy is a part of this group. Sometimes things as simple as not posting a direct link can impact whether people find your post. So keep knocking on doors until the right ones open and in between knocks, be gentle with precious you.
And for everyone, as we journey through the last leg of this particular adventure, here's what I'd love each and every one of you to do:
Let's remember why this creativity stuff is important in the first place. Over the remaining 3 weeks, spend time doing your art or exploring a new one or creatively playing. This week, as we talk about roadblocks and rejection, let's plug into the juice of what brings us alive and makes it worthwhile to get to the other side!
Dance with abandon. Write a poem. Scribble. Play your music and sing along - loud. Buy a colouring book. Get some Playdoh. Go on a photo adventure. Read a sonnet out loud to your honey. Make up a recipe. Call that ally you posted about and make a playdate. Write the first sentence. Play the piano - badly. Bead a necklace to celebrate the season. Scrapbook this moment. Make a card and send it to a new friend. Create the most beautiful day you ever had.
Let's fill March with creative joy and finish The Next Chapter off with delight.
Weee! The Celebrations sounds marvelous! I'm so in! :)
So so good to know we are not alone - I need to hear this every once in a while. Check out my recent post where I have been replenishing myself thanks to 12 Secrets
I absolutely LOVED this chapter and I love Jen Lemen!!
This chapter really made me "remember" some things that can be easy to forget in the day to day, isolated existence of writing.
Hi Creative Ladies. Jamie, the group call sounds lovely. Secret 9 brought me to a familiar place of surrender. I needed a reminder this week.
Very excited to hear what Jamie has up her sleeve next.....
rejection is never easy, but remembering that it's not personal is key.
I am reminded of the saying: "a pessimist is a person who sees obstacles in every opportunity, a optimist is someone who sees opportunities in every obstacle"
If we remember these 2 things, rejections are easier to deal with.
There are many good lessons to be learned in this chapter. I'm so glad that I picked up this book and have participated. It has really made a difference in my creative life.
xoxo k
Wow. Peppy Lady inspired a second post on my blog about this chapter.
Jamie - I've been loving the art you use for each prompt - just thought I ought to mention it!
This is an important chapter and is right where I am, now.
It's really interesting to see how little steps you think aren't that big or important end up being the turning point between obstacle and stepping stone.
Another thought provoking lesson. Every week I lose a few more gremlins and gain more confidence. The last part is also where I am at as well.Can't wait to see what is revealed in my tribe this week
why do we so fear to be who we are? for many of us, to create is in our blood: denying it goes against our very nature. rejecting that fact is one reason for self-created obstacles.
glad to have found this :)
Another excellent chapter. Stimulating and inspiring. Come visit.
just blogged
mary aka creative voyage
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